
Variations centers on a photographic image, evolving through various printing processes. The project includes a series of photo etching prints in different sizes and a publication of 285 copies. It reinterprets photography as a dynamic medium in constant flux, merging with printmaking to explore how images transform over time. Through repeated manipulation and layering, photography is presented as an ongoing process—one that evolves with each iteration. The images shift, distort, and change, with each print offering a unique perspective that reflects the fluidity of memory and the passage of time, where no image remains static.

To look at a thousand images a thousand times through one image. To see it again and again until it is no longer the image. To recall memories repeatedly until they become something new.

exhibition views from graduation show 2024, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, July 3-7

NO.5, photo engraving prints on cotton paper, 152 x 40cm

NO.9, photo engraving prints on cotton paper, 152 x 40cm

photo engraving prints on cotton paper, 670 x 40cm

Variations, publications, offset prints, edition of 285 copies, 312 x 231 mm

The publication centers around one single image. Every copy is unique in its composition; every page is different from the next. 
Originating from the engraving imprint materials of the image, the scans capture remnants of the printing process. 
  These pieces of paper, utilized to ensure clean prints, are essentially leftovers from the engraving printing process. Through a myriad of processes and materials, the original photographic image undergoes transformation. The variations are the result of analog reproduction techniques, such as photo engraving and offset printing. 
  The imprints from the image and etching plate are transformed into six offset plates. Editing, designing, printing, reprinting, folding, and assembling the pages in shifting orders contributes to a multitude of variations, resulting in an edtion of 285 individual publications. 

A publication by Sophia J. Xu
Edit, design and offset intervention in collaboration with Cathy Hu ISBN 9789090386195

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